Tuesday 16 January 2018

Billy Fleming; Thunderstick's new line-up!

Hello Samsonites,
First of all, don't forget to check my brief interview with drummer BILLY FLEMING - Paul Samson's Metallic Blue and SAMSON (2001-2002).
Speaking of SAMSON drummers, Barry Graham Purkis/Thunderstick recruited two new members for his THUNDERSTICK live line-up: VIIXEN (vocals) and BAZ ROZE (guitar).
More details here:
Viixen: “This band is so right for me! Energy, power, theatrics and outrage are all extremities of my personality. This band allows total expression of those personalities... I am rock roller coaster... I am a women of paradox – with outfits to match!”
Baz: “When I was younger I remember recording Samson on the Friday rock show. ‘Riding With The Angels’ has always been on my playlist ever since then – and now I’m playing with Thunderstick. Crazy how things work out!”